Kontakt Landauer Direct
HelpCenter LANDAUER direct

LANDAUER direct updates

To meet your expectations, LANDAUER direct is constantly evolving.
Find the latest developments below.

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Menu and submenuA better navigation and more information

Your menu evolves and is enriched with sub-menus. Find all the information relating to your subscription by clicking on “Accounts”.

  • On the ”General” tab,
    • if you have a single account, find an overview of your data.
    • if you have several accounts, select and view the account to display.
  • In “Contact details”, modify edit and modify your information (see below).

In addition, you can now access to:

  • delivery note,
  • invoices.


Edit your account data!

Take control of your account information:

  • Account details (excluding the registration number)
  • Invoicing address
  • Address for sending invoices

Changes are tracked in the ”Action history”.

Please note that the account address is not the delivery address of the dosimeters.
This is specified at the sub-account level (accessible via “Your mapping” by clicking on the desired sub-account), its edition will be available in a future development.


Discover your new data import/export modules

Export dataExport all your account in Excel format!

In a few clicks export all the fields of your account or select the ones you need relating to:

  • your account,
  • your mapping,
  • your dosimeters
  • and the doses.

Create export templates which will be saved to ease your analysis.


Assign a visitor dosimeter, find the dosimeter more easily

When you assign a visitor dosimeter, find your dosimeter more easily. Now, the service column contains the wording in full and the service code after in brackets.

Assign easily

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Thursday 16th June, 2022

A new email alert “Dosimeters to be returned” is now available!

  • You can subscribe to this alert in the menu “your email alerts” and select the event type “non returned dosimeters
  • You will receive a notification X days (X to be configured) after the wear period showing all dosimeters not received in our laboratory
  • The history of the alerts are available in the menu “Events

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Tuesday 23rd May, 2022

The following menus are added:

  • Your e-mail alerts”: you can set your own dose thresholds for the wear period or 12 month cumulative and receive email notification.
  • The menu “History of actions” is created and allows you to check the history of the online modification.

The following menus evolves :

  • You can now add several dosimetry services to a participant at the same time.
    The start and end of the wear period can be more easily selected.
  • Assign a dosimeter” becomes  “Assign a visitor dosimeter”.
    You can now also check the history of the dosimeter assigned.

More details, click below in the different help menu.